PRAGUE Workshop Podcast

Enjoy these clips from my podcast with Coaching Systems and Academy of Coaching Excellence about my partnership with them to lead a workshop in Prague, Czech Republic - September 25, 2024 from 9am - 5pm. This unique workshop will be In-Person and Experiential. It is for those individuals who have studied core coaching principles and practices and would like to understand the evolving field of Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching. How does it differ from and relate to other practices of coaching? See details below for more information!

See promotional poster & details HERE

Details and Register HERE



Blog Talk Radio hosts Dr. Karen Lawson


Have you ever felt dismissed by your health care provider? In my recent podcast with "Speak Up For Your Health", I offer advice on how to navigate these interactions. Give a listen and share with your friends!



“The way to greater health and wellbeing is through the individual, the family, and the community - getting people to demand whole person health. And when they do, the healthcare system will have to respond. “ -Karen Lawson


These videos offer Dr. Karen’s evolving understanding of holistic health over twenty-five years. She hopes they are insightful and helpful.