Join Karen in PRAGUE!

This in-person, experiential, full day work-shop is for those individuals who have studied core coaching principles and practices and would like to understand the evolving field of Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching. How does it differ from and relate to other practices of coaching?

Learn how to deepen your coaching impact by expanding your holistic vision of well-being, recommitting to your personal health optimization, and improving your ability to empower others toward the healthy beliefs and behaviors that foster an optimal life. Through discussion, demonstration, and dyad/triad exercises, participants will gain tools and perspectives that can immediately inform their ongoing professional coaching practices.

September 25, 2024, 9am-5pm w/one hour lunch break.


More details and register below.


Journey Back Home

Shamanic Retreat

Join us May 8th - 11th, 2024 at Martells Landing in Somerset, Wisconsin.

Join me on this important WEBINAR with Real Balance Global Wellness Services, November 17, 12pm-1pm Eastern. Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching - The Best Future We Can Create.

Watch Zoom Recording: HERE - (Fast forward to minute 19:12!)

Also, join me for two different Q &A SESSIONS on Nov 15, and Dec 13 with Real Balance on becoming Nationally Board Certified with NBHWC. Details and register below:

November 15, 2023 - 11 AM Pacific

December 13, 2023 - NOON Pacific time.

Thank you for attending!.

Trailblazer Award


June 17-18, 2023

Liberty Station Conference Center
San Diego, CA

This award is presented to individuals who have been extensively devoted to the advancement of the health and well-being coaching profession nationally and/or internationally for a minimum of 10 years, & is based on a demonstrated track record of outstanding leadership, meaningful collaboration and forward thinking innovation and advancement.


  • Discount Codes Available!

There are Discount codes available to attend the conference for NBC-HWC’s and for students actively enrolled in an approved Health Coaching program but have not yet taken the boards. (email: for specifics)

  • Virtual Live Stream Option

Can't travel to CA but still want to join this wonderful event? Last chance to register and be part of the excitement HERE.

You will be able to view the sessions in real time through the virtual LIVE STREAM and will also have access to the recordings after!

Dr. Karen’s Speaking Schedule

12:00-1:30pm: Health and Wellness Coaching: Where We Are Now and What’s Needed To Keep Moving Forward (NBHWC Panel)

Panelists: Leigh-Ann Webster, NBC-HWC, CPT, Bettina Beech, DrPH, MPH, Ruth Q. Wolever, Ph.D., NBC-HWC and Karen Lawson, MD, ABIHM, NBC-HWC

Description: The field of health and wellness coaching is rapidly growing, but what should current coaches, aspiring coaches and collaborating health professionals know about the current state of the field, as well as the needs and opportunities on the horizon for continued advancement of this science-based profession? This engaging panel discussion— enjoyed over a delicious and nutritious lunch— will feature National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) Executive Director, Leigh-Ann Webster along with current NBHWC Board of Directors members Dr. Bettina Beech, Dr. Ruth Wolever and Dr. Karen Lawson who together will shine a light on the exciting achievements in the field over the last few years, as well as offer areas of opportunity for future evolution within the health and wellness coaching profession to support a world where all people thrive..

3:15-4:15:  Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching—The Best Future We Can Create  Karen Lawson, MD, ABIHM, NBC-HWC

Description: Over the last 20 years there’s been an increasing presence and recognition of health and wellness coaching in the United States. However, the rapid growth in number of both coach training programs and individual coaches has led to a lack of optimization of the true potential of health coaching to address the full scope of mind-body-spirit well-being in our clients. It has also led many coaches to be not as well oriented and equipped to awaken individuals to the wide array of possible therapies and systems of healing— something made possible through embracing an integrative perspective.  By committing to a solid foundation of the Four Pillars of Health Coaching, exploring the full range of integrative health approaches and applying an energetic lens to each of our client encounters, we can evolve health coaching into the truly transformative profession that is desperately needed in our healthcare system today. 

Health Coach Summit Global Conference

For Health Coaches And Professionals

LIVE Virtual Event - May 25-28, 2023

Dr. Karen Panel May 26, 3-4pm. CST

Evolving into your Best Coaching Self Panelists: Karen Lawson, MD, ABIHM, NBC-HWC; Michele Rae, RPh, MA, NBC-HWC; and Mark Dreusicke, MD, NBC-HWC

As health and wellness coaches, we seek to support and partner with individuals who are pursuing their optimal wellbeing. With all of the demands of modern life added to the complexities of the health care system or corporate cultures, finding time to ensure our own wellbeing can be difficult. Experienced panelists will discuss and share ideas for viable approaches to weaving not only self-care, but personal growth and transformation, into our lives. We can only take clients as far as we’ve gone ourselves, so our own paths to our best selves must continue to unfold. Come create a plan for your best way forward!


April 15, 2023


The ceremony was live-streamed to NWHSU’s YouTube page. Visit Northwestern’s YouTube page to view the ceremony.  Dr. Lawson’s address begins at 1:01:20 in video timeline.


April 13, 2023

“Importance of Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching in Oncology Nutrition to Support Behavior Change”

Health and wellness coaching is the newest healthcare profession entering our complex, interprofessional world of healthcare, in both the US and abroad, coming into two decades of existence and a growing level of maturing influence. What is Health Coaching? Why is it needed? Is all Health Coaching integrative? Come and hear about the growing evidence-base for its general effectiveness. What potential impact could it have on Oncology care? What philosophies, tools and practices from health coaching might also inform the day-to-day practice of oncology nutrition counselors and other practitioners? Bring your curiosity and questions to this gathering of colleagues. Cancer patients and their supporting family and friends are also welcome.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the evolution of the nascent field of health and wellness coaching in the US, including the setting of standards and credentials in the field.

  2. Define tools, philosophies, and practices core to health coaching that could be utilized by all health care practitioners to improve patient experiences and outcomes.

  3. Explore challenges in the oncology nutrition field that may be addressed through the addition of integrative health and wellness coaching.


March 30, 2023


Health and wellness coaching is the newest healthcare profession entering our complex, interprofessional world of healthcare, in both the US and abroad, coming into two decades of existence and a growing level of maturing influence. What is Health Coaching? Why is it needed? What potential impact could it make on the challenges facing US healthcare? Hear about the growing evidence-base for its effectiveness. What philosophies, tools and practices from health coaching might also inform the day to day practice of all health professionals? University of Houston intends to play a role in advancing and influencing the future of this field. Learn about and support plans for a new UH training program now in development.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the evolution of the nascent field of health and wellness coaching in the US, including the setting of standards and credentials in the field.

2. Define tools, philosophies, and practices core to health coaching that could be utilized by all health care practitioners to improve patient experiences and outcomes.

3. Discuss the proposed new graduate training program in Health and Wellness coaching at Univ. of Houston.